Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Meeting Ian: New Moon Intentions At Work

I have an interesting tale to tell about the recent Leo New Moon seeds of intention which I planted at the exact moment of the Leo New Moon in conjunction with the Awaken Your Divine Feminine Soul eclass I'm teaching at the Wise Woman University. I also added a Lunar Meditation (thanks to Barbara Hand Clow) and a dreaming request plus shared my intentions with a live audience on The Reluctant Medium's Blog Talk Radio program.

My intentions were creatively Leonine: I wished for a smooth and productive month re-building and launching my new and improved website PLUS really wanted to add some interactivity to the mix ie. audio/video showing me live and in action: soul reading, working with crystals and hugging tress, but I didn't know where to start!

The day after my Leo New Moon wishes were publicly broadcast on the radio a young man sat down next to me at Barnes and Nobles bookstore with his Mac Book Pro laptop and asked me if I was wearing Moldavite; an odd question!

    Moldavite was originally created when a large meteorite crashed into the Bohemian plateau of the Czech Republic, approximately 14.8 million years ago. It has many magickal, healing qualities relating to the heart and third eye chakra

I had just dreamed with Moldavite (and Lithium Quartz) the night before when I made a dream request for help with my website. Amazingly enough, this young man by the name of Ian was building his own interactive, metaphysical website chock-full of information sharing video blog posts, books and recorded interviews with many metaphysical masters - wow, Ian was just the person I was hoping to meet!

Within the next two weeks we discussed shooting a video with the help of Ian's iMovie software and high definition video camera. We decided to film me visiting my favorite sacred spots in the inland valley of Southern California as I communed with the trees, the rocks, the plants and the animals. I meditated, toned at Singing Rock, played my Native American Owl flute and set up a sacred circle of crystals and creative soul guide cards in a special cave I call The Mother's Womb.

Within two days Ian had created a slide show from two hour's of video footage which will be featured on my website very soon. The real message behind this story is to show you how powerful your intentions can be, especially when you connect with the elements of nature, Mother Moon, your intuition, innate creativity and Great Spirit. I'm in awe of what we have created together and bless the Divine and the Universe for guiding me to Ian.

The Moon Collage above was created in conjunction with my Divine Feminine eClass and incorporates several of my New Moon intentions plus a Full Moon Flowering (and no, Ian is not the one next to me in the heart, but the slide show he created on YouTube is in the middle!

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